Uses of Wood in the CIRS Building

The CIRS building was initially envisioned by Dr. John Robinson, a UBC professor, in 2000. His idea was to create a structure that would serve as a benchmark in terms of sustainable performance. The overall design emphasizes simple forms and materials, exemplified by the exposed wood and visible connections. Using wood as a building material was key to achieving the regenerative principles laid out by the project. Wood is a renewable resource which provides multiple ecological services, creates comfortable interior environments and stores carbon.

The structural system consists of a frame of rectangular Douglas-fir glulam columns and beams, supporting a floor system of standard 2×4 dimensional lumber, laid on end and gang nailed together, and covered in a single layer of plywood. Lateral resistance is provided through two systems: conventional plywood shear walls in the direction of the short spans of the building and a moment frame system combined with spandrel panels in the direction of the long spans.

The main reason for choosing a moment frame design was to maximize space in order to allow for flexible interior room arrangements and to have large windows for natural sunlight. The use of natural sunlight helps reduce the energy demands of the building, which was one of the many goals of the project.

The roof of the 450 seat auditorium of the CIRS building is supported with curved glulam members. This auditorium is located between the two office block wings of the CIRS building. Currently, this auditorium is the largest auditorium on UBC’s Vancouver campus. In addition, the roof of the auditorium supports a living roof, which increases the dead load that the glulam members must resist because of the many layers involved with sustaining the roof. The main purpose of the living roof is to reduce the amount of storm water runoff of the CIRS building by absorbing and using the water as a source of irrigation for the vegetation.



Make sure to visit all of the features of the building before moving on to the next stop.

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StructuralSystemIcon Uses of Wood in the Building

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